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   著書 [2006~]

  1. 機器分析のてびき 第3巻 固体・表面分析編 共著 化学同人 2021年3月31日出版

  2. "新版 入門機器分析化学" 編著者 庄野利之、脇田久伸ほか、三共出版(株)     (2015年 11月) 中野11.2章担当


  4. "高温TEMによるセラミック材料の表情の読み取り"「セラミックデータブック(2011年版」 中野裕美、(株)テクノプラザ発行 (2011)P94-97.

  5. "次世代構造材料の最新の研究開発と社会・産業へのインパクト"4.4.1 「高熱伝導率)セラミックスの最近の進歩」渡利広司、粂正市、山田伊久子、中野裕美 シー.エム.シー出版 (2008) 231-239.

  6. "希土類の材料技術"  第1部 10.2 「エンジニアリングセラミックスの特性に及ぼす希土類焼結助剤の添加効果と微構造」中野裕美、渡利広司 シー.エム.シー出版 (2008) 407-412.

  7. "材料開発のための顕微鏡法と応用写真集" 金属学会編、中野裕美、井川博之、(2006)225.

  8. "希土類の機能と応用" 第9章構造材料への応用、 渡利広司、中野裕美、シー.エム.シー出版 (2006) 302-331.


  9. "女性のキャリア形成と人材育成の必要性"  中野裕美、東愛知新聞 「発言」3月20日号1面~2面(3500文字)(2022)

  10. "地球環境のためにできることから始めよう"  中野裕美、東愛知新聞 「発言」2月7日号1面~2面(3500文字)(2022)

  11. "理工系の女性研究者を増やす" 中野裕美、東愛知新聞 「発言」1月9日号1面~2面(3500文字)(2022)

  12. "女性参画により組織力アップ" 中野裕美、東愛知新聞 「発言」11月28日号1面~2面(3500文字)(2021)

  13. "多様性と調和"、中野裕美、東愛知新聞 「発言」10月4日号1面~2面(3500文字)(2021)

  14. "Li-(Nb,Ta)-Ti-O 系配向材料創成のための高磁場中粉体プロセスと異方性電気特性発現"、中野裕美、鈴木達、菅章紀、J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 67 (2020)1-5.

  15. "400 nm 励起Li-Ta-Ti-O 系赤色蛍光体材料の開発"  中野裕美、門脇慎一、セラミックス 7月号(2018)

  16. "学術分野での男女共同参画の現状と期待"  中野裕美、セラミックス 53(3) (2018)121-124.

  17. "紛体工学会におけるダイバーシティ活動"  中野裕美、紛体工学会誌 54(7) (2017)489-491.

  18. "透過型電子顕微鏡(TEM)によるセラミックス材料の微構造観察と解析" 中野裕美、紛体工学会誌 54(4) (2017)224-230.

  19. "白色LED用近紫外励起赤色蛍光体の創成と母体構造の特徴" 中野裕美、福田功一郎、ケミカルエンジニアリング、12月号(2014)1~5.

  20. "配向酸化亜鉛セラミックスにおける粒界キャリア散乱" 杵鞭義明、加賀久、中野裕美、田中諭、植松敬三、多々見純一、渡利広司、セラミックス47(4)(2012)275-279.

  21. "コールドスプレー法による光触媒酸化チタン成膜技術の開発" 山田基宏, 中野裕美, 福本昌宏 セラミックス 46 No.7 (2011) 536-540.

  22. "コールドスプレー法における各種材料皮膜のアプリケーションとセラミックス成膜について",山田基宏, 中野裕美, 福本昌宏:溶射, 48-2 (2011), 59-63.

  23. "セラミックコーティングのブレークスルーどのように「ブレークスルー」しますか?"小野さとみ,中野裕美,明渡純 セラミックス 46 No.7 (2011) 529-530.

  24. "小・中学校の理科教育との連携" 中野裕美、澤田隆文 セラミックス 45 No.4 (2010) 282-284.

  25. "原子をみる・さぐる -TEMでなぜ原子が見えるのか- " 中野裕美 化学と教育56巻5号(2008) 214-215.

  26. "ミクロの世界を見る" -電子顕微鏡写真から得られる多彩な情報- 中野裕美 龍谷理工ジャーナルVol.20(1)(2008)19-24.

  27. "高強度を示したミリ波焼結アルミナのTEMによる微構造解析" 中野裕美、巻野勇喜雄、粉末冶金 54(8) (2007) 549-555.

  28. "高熱伝導AlNセラミックスの微構造と熱伝導メカニズム" 渡利広司、中野裕美、セラミックス9月号(2004)678-683.

  29. "電子顕微鏡で物体を拡大して見ようII" -透過型電子顕微鏡によるナノ解析-、中野裕美、龍谷理工ジャーナルVol. 16(2004)40-43.

    原著論文(査読有) [2004~]

  30. Relationship between photoluminescence intensity, Mn ion oxidation, and crystal structure of new phosphors Li-M-Ti-O:Mn4+ (M = Nb or Ta), H. Nakano, S. Ando, Mater. Res. Bull., Vol. 143, (2021), 111445.

  31. Ba0.79(Al, Zn)10.9O17.14−δ:Eu2+蛍光体材料の単相合成とZn 添加が発光特性におよぼす影響, H. Nakano, G. Saitoh, J. Soc. Powder Technol., Japan, 58, 4–9 (2021)

  32. PL Properties of (Ba, Ca)2(Si, P)O4:Eu Synthesized by Various Annealing and Cooling Process, S. Ando, H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 1016, (2021), 231-235.

  33. Applications of Smart Material of Li2O-(Nb/Ta)2O5-TiO2 Solid Solution Having a Unique Periodical Structure, H. Nakano, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 1016, (2021), 1009-1013.

  34. Changes in Crystal Structure and PL Property for Ca2(Si, P)O4:Eu2+ Phosphor by Addition of Al3+ Ion, K. Kamimoto, H. Nakano, J. Soc. Powder Technol., Japan, 57,(2020) 572–576.

  35. Synthesis of Li-Ta-Ti-O new red phosphors with Mn4+as activator and the relationship between photoluminescence intensity and crystal structure, M Maeda, H. Nakano, J. Cersm. Soc. Jpn., 128 [6] , (2020) 317-321.

  36. Dislocation-controlled microscopic mechanical phenomena in single crystal silicon under bending stress at room temperature, H. Yamagushi, J. Tatami, T. Yahagi, H. Naknao, M. Iijima, T. Takahashi, K. Toshiyuki, J. Mater. Sci. 11 (2020 on-line)

  37. Incommensurately Modulated Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of Eu2O3- and P2O5-Doped Ca2SiO4 Phosphor, H. Naknao, S. Ando, K .Kamimoto, Y. Hiramatsu, Y. Michiue, N. Hirosaki, K. Fukuda, Materials, 13, (2020), 58(1-9) .

  38. Anisotropic sintering shrinkage and microstructural evolution of c-axis-oriented Si3N4 ceramics, T. TAKAHASHI, J. TATAMI, H. NAKANO, S. TANAKA, JCERSJ 127(6),(2019) 435-442. 

  39. [Perspective article]:Unique crystal structures and their applications of materials for Li1+x-yM1-x-3yTix+4yO3 (M = Nb or Ta, 0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.33, 0 ≤ y ≤ 0.175), H. Nakano, Advanced Powder Technolog, 30,, (2019), 2003-2013.

  40. 様々な反応場中での酸化物合成と元素の価数・配位環境の変化、中野裕美,紙本小夏, 前田真志,古田吉雄 Aichi SR光センタ―2018年度 成果公開無償利用事業報告書(2018)、

  41. "Rapid Sintering of Li2O-Nb2O5-TiO2 Solid Solution by Air Pressure Control and Clarification of Its Mechanism" H. Nakano, K. Konatsu, T. Yamamoto, Y. Furuta, Materials, (2018), 11, 987.

  42. "蛍光体の合成と発光特性評価 ", 平靖之,三村和仙,中村稀星,中野裕美, J.Soc. of Mater. Sci., 67(6), , (2018), 583-587.

  43. "Syntheses and Luminescence Enhancement of Li1+x(Ta1-zNbz)1-xTixO3:RE3+ (RE=Eu, Er, Tm or Dy) Phosphors", Genki Saitoh, Hiromi Nakano, Hiroki Banno, and Koichiro Fukuda, Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Science, Volume 6(1),, (2018) 32-39.

  44. "新規蛍光体材料における母体結晶中の発光中心イオンの配位環境および発光特性との関係", H. Nakano, K. Kamimoto, G. Saito, S. Yamada, Aichi SR光センタ―2017年度 成果公開無償利用事業報告書(2017)

  45. "The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Emission Color of P-Doped Ca2SiO4 Phosphor"、H. Nakano, K. Kamimoto, N. Yokoyama and K. Fukuda, Materials 10, (2017) 1000.

  46. "Fabrication and anisotropic electronic property for oriented Li1+x-yNb1-x-3yTix+4y solid solution by slip casting in a high magnetic field", H. Nakano, S. Furuya,M. Yuasa, T. Suzuki, H. Ohsato, Advanced Powder Technology 28 (2017) 2373-2379.

  47. "白色 LED 開発のための新規蛍光体におけるEu イオンの3+から2+への価数変化と局所構造", 2016年あいちシンクロトロン光センター成果公開無償利用事業報告書、中野裕美、古谷彰平、横山宣幸、山田鈴弥 (2017)

  48. "Size-controlling of starting powders for Zn2(TixSn1-x)O4:Eu phosphor synthesized by solid state reaction", S. Furuya, H. Nakano, S. Fujihara, J. Soc. Powder Technol., Jpn. 53(12), (2016), 779-784.

  49. "Enhancement of PL intensity and formation of core-shell structure in annealed Ca2-x/2(Si1-xPx)O4:Eu2+ phosphor", H. Nakano, N. Yokoyama, H. Banno, K. Fukuda, Mater. Res. Bull. 83, (2016), 502-506.

  50. "Enhancement of photoluminescence intensity and structural change by doping of P5+ ion for Ca2-x/2(Si1-xPx)O4:Eu2+ green phosphor", S. Furuya, H.Nakano, N. Yokoyama, H. Bannoand K. Fukuda,J. Alloys and Compds. 658 (2016), 147-151.

  51. "Synthesis and Photoluminescence of New Phosphor Ba0.79Al10.9O17.14:Eu2+", S. Furuya, A. Okuzumi, H. Nakano, J. Soc. Powder Technol., Jpn. 53,(2016) 226-280.

  52. "Decoupling grain growth from densification during sintering of oxide nano-particles", Y. Kinemuchi, H. Nakano, K. Kato, K. Ozaki, K. Kobayashi , RSC Advances, 6 (2016), 24661-24666.

  53. "Crystal structures and enhancement of photoluminescence intensities by effective doping for lithium tantalate phosphors", H. Ichioka, S.Furuya, T. Asaka, H. Nakano, and K. Fukuda, Powder Diffr. Journal, 30(4), (2015), 326-332.

  54. "Extraordinary diffusion in Co/Cu grain boundaries", H. Nakano, M. Yuasa, H. Miyamoto, N. Miyazawa,M. Mamoru, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 101,(2015)52-55.

  55. "Microstructural comparison between Nb- and Ta-systems in Li1+x-yM1-x-3yTix+4yO3 (M = Nb5+, Ta5+) solid solution with superstructure", H. Nakano, S. Suehiro , S. Furuya and K. Fukuda, J. Alloys and Compds. 618(2015)504-507.

  56. "{10-12} twins in rolled Mg-Zn-Ca alloy with high formability", H. Nakano, M. Yuasa, M. Mamoru, Y. Chino, Journal of Materials Research, 29(24),(2014)3024-3031.

  57. "Twinning behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy alternately-compressed in two orthogonal directions", H. Kwon, H. Nakano, M. Mabuchi and Y. Chino, Philosophical Magazine,Philosophical Magazine, 94(34), (2014) 3960-3977.

  58. "Electron density distribution and disordered crystal structure of 12H-SiAlON, SiAl5O2N5",Hiroki Banno, T. Hanai, T. Asaka, K. Kimoto, H. Nakano , K. Fukuda, Powder Diffr. Journal, 29(4), (2014), 318-324.

  59. "Synthesis and luminescence enhancement of Eu3+, Sm3+co-doped Li1.11Ta0.89Ti0.11O3 phosphor", H. Nakano, S. Furuya, K. Fukud, S. Yamada, Mater, Res. Bull., 60 (2014) 766-770.

  60. "Preparation of textured Li1+x-yNb1-x-3yTix+4yO3 solid solution in a high magnetic field", H.Nakano, S. Suehiro, T. S. Suzuki, Materials Science Forum Vols. 783-786 (2014) 2480-2484.

  61. "Synthesis and structural analysis of Li1+x-yM1-x-3yTix+4yO3(M: Ta, Nb)solid solutions with superstructure"S. Suehiro, H. Nakano, Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, 51 (3) (2014) 136-141 [in Japanese].

  62. "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Co-Cu Alloy Films Processed by Electrodeposition", M. Yuasa, H. Nakano, M. Mabuchi, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 417 (2013) 012064

  63. "Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Novel Calcium Strontium Tungsten Oxynitrides CaxSr1-xWO2N", Y. Masatomo, F. Uhi, H. Nakano, K. Omoto, J. Hester, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 117 (36), (2013) 18529–18539.

  64. "Rapid synthesis of Eu3+-doped LNT (Li-Nb-Ti-O) phosphor by millimeter-wave heating"H. Nakano, K. Ozono, T. Saji, S. Miyake, H. Hayashi, Opt. Mater. 35, (2013) 2045-2048.

  65. "Syntheses and crystal structures of Li(Ta0.89Ti0.11)O2.945 and (Li0.977Eu0.023)(Ta0.89Ti0.11)O2.968", T. Uchida, S. Suehiro, T. Asaka, H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, Powder Diffraction Journal 28, Issue 03, (2013) 178-183

  66. "Synthesis of new RE3+ doped Li1+xTa1-xTixO3 (RE: Eu, Sm, Er, Tm, and Dy) phosphors with various emission colors", H. Nakano, S. Suehiro, S. Furuya, H. Hayashi, and S. Fujihara, Materials 6, (2013) 2768-2776.

  67. "Microstructural Behavior of Gamma-Fe2O3 Formation in Reactions between Layered Iron Oxychloride and Sodium n-Pentoxide", T. Shiono, F. Tando, H. Nakano and Y. Sugahara , Solid State Sciences 19, (2013) 156-161.

  68. "Softening due to disordered grain boundaries in nanocrystalline Co", M. Yuasa, M. Hakamada, H. Nakano, M. Mabuchiand Y. Chino,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25(34) (2013) 345702(1)-(10).

  69. "Crystal Structure and Oxide-Ion Diffusion of Nano-Crystalline,Compositionally Homogeneous Ceria-Zirconia Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 up to 1176 K", M. Yashima , T. Sekikawa , D. Sato , H. Nakano , and K. Omoto, Growth and Design13 (2) (2013) 829–837.

  70. "Synthesis of a rare-earth doped LNT (Li-Nb-Ti-O) phosphor by millimeter-wave heating", H. Nakano, S. Suehiro, T. Saji, and S. Miyake, J. Alloys and Compds. 552 (2013) 475-479.

  71. "Synthesis and luminescent properties of a new Eu3+-doped Li1+x (Ta1-zNbz)1-xTixO3 red phosphor" H. Nakano, K. Ozono, H. Hayashi, S. Fujihara, J. Ame. Ceram. Soc. 95(9) (2012) 2795-2797.

  72. "Rapid synthesis and structural analysis of Li-Nb-Ti-O solid solutions with superstructure by millimeter-wave heating" H. Nakano, T. Saji, M. Yuasa, S. Miyake, and M. Mabuchi, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.119(11) (2011) 808-812.

  73. "The Effect of Post Treatments on the Powder Morphology of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Powders Synthesized for Cold Spray" T. Salim, M. Yamada, H. Nakano, K. Shima, H. Isago, M. Fukumoto, Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (2011) 366-371.

  74. "Synthesis and structural characterization of Al7C3N3-homeotypic aluminum silicon oxycarbonitride, (Al7-xSix)(OyCzN6-y-z) (x ~ 1.2, y ~ 1.0 and z ~ 3.5)"D. Urushihara, M., T. Asaka,; H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, J.Solid State Chem. 184 (2011) 2278–2284.

  75. "Electrochemical growth of (0001)-n-ZnO film on (111)-p-Cu2O film and the characterization of the heterojunction diode",M. Fariza, J. Sasano, T. Shinagawa, H. Naknao, S. Watase, M. Izaki, J. Electrochemical Society 158 (10) pp D621-625 (2011).

  76. "Microstructure of interfacial region between cold-splayed copper coating and AlN substrate coated with sputtered titanium and copper" H. Nakano, M. Yamada, M. Fukumoto, E. Yamaguchi, J. Thermal Spray Technology. 20(3) 407-411 (2011).

  77. (総説)"Microstructural evolution by in-situ TEM observations of oxides"H. Nakano, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 119(1) 1-7 (2011).

  78. "Effect of CNT Quantity and Sintering Temperature on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of CNT-Dispersed Si3N4 Ceramics" S. Yoshio, J. Tatami, T. Wakihara, T. Yamakawa, H. Nakano, K. Komeya, and T. Meguro, J.Ceram. Soc. Jpn.119(1)70-75(2011) .

  79. "Enhanced boundary-scattering of electrons and photons in nanograined zinc oxide" Y. Kinemuchi, H. Naknao, M. Mikami, K. Kobayashi, K. Watari, Y. Hotta, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 053721 (2010).

  80. "Cold spraying of TiO2 photocatalyst coating with nitrogen process gas"M. Yamada, H. Isago, H. Nakano, M. Fukumoto, J. Thernal. Spray Technology 19(6) (2010) 1218-1223.

  81. "Synthesis and structural characterization of a new aluminum oxycarbonitride, Al5(O, C, N)"H. Inuzuka, M. Kaga, D. Urushihara, H. Nakano,T. Asaka and K. Fukuda J. Solid State Chem.183(2010)2183-2189.

  82. "Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Al4Si2C5-Homeotypic Aluminum Silicon Oxycarbide, (Al6-xSix)(OyC5-y) (x ~ 0.8 and y ~ 1.6) "M. Kaga, D. Urushihara, T. Iwata, K. Sugiura, H. Nakano, and K. Fukuda, J. Solid State Chem.183(2010)2183-2189.

  83. "Imma Perovskite-Type Oxynitride LaTiO2N Structure and Electron Density" M. Yashima,, M. Saito, H. Nakano, T. Takata, K. Ogisu, and K.Domen,,Chem.Comm. 46(2010), 4704-4706.

  84. "Evaluation and preparation of Li1+x-yNb1-x-3yTix+4yO3 solid solution with superstructure as new phosphor" H. Hayashi, H. Nakano, J. Alloys and Compounds. 502(2010), 360-364.

  85. "Thermal conductivity composite films of hexagonal boron nitride and polyimide with affninity-enhanced interfaces" K. Sato, H. Horibe, S. Takashi, H. Yuji, H. Nakano, H. Nagai, K. Mitsuishi, K. Watari, J. Mater. Chem.20,(2010), 2749-2752.

  86. "Microstructure and luminescence of Eu-doped Li1+x-yNb1-x-3yTix+4yO3 solid solutions with superstructure" H. Hayashi, H. Nakano and M. I .Jones, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 118(3) (2010), 226-230.

  87. "Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Al4SiC4-Homeotypic Aluminum Silicon Oxycarbide, [Al4.4Si0.6][O1.0C2.0]C," M. Kaga, T. Iwata, H. Nakano, and K. Fukuda, J. Solid State Chem., 183,(2010),636-642.

  88. "Fabrication of ZnO ceramics using ZnO/Al2O3 nanocomposite particles prepared by mechanical treatment" S. Tasaki, J. Tatami, H. Nakano, T. Wakihara, K. Komeya and T. Meguro, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 118(2),(2010),118-121.

  89. "Hydrogen storage properties of nanoporous palladium fabricated by dealloying", M. Hakamada, H. Nakano, T. Furukawa, M. Takahashiand M. Mabuchi, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114(2)(2010), 868-873.

  90. "In-situ observation of phase transformations in layered perovskite BaEu2Mn2O7" H. Nakano, N. Ishizawa, N. Kamegashira, J. Europ.Ceram.Soc. 30(2010) 233-236.

  91. "金属粒子酸化チタンインバースオパールの光学特性" 西乃園巧、中野裕美、青井芳史、材料、58(6)(2009)516-520.

  92. "First discovery and structural characterization of a new compound in Al-Si-O-C system" T. Iwata, M. Kaga, H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, J. Solid State Chem. 182 (2009) 2252-2260.

  93. "Changes by annealing in grain boundaries for Co-Cu alloy with nanolamellar structure" H. Nakano, M. Yuasa, M. Mabuchi, Spripta Materialia, 61(4) (2009) 371-374.

  94. "[Zr0.72Y0.28]Al4C4: A New Member of the Homologous Series (MC)l(T4C3)m (M = Zr, Y and Hf, T = Al, Si and Ge) " K. Sugiura, T. Iwata, H. Nakano and K. Fukuda, J. Solid State Chem., 182(2009)1619-1623.

  95. "Effect of Annealing on Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Lamellar Co-Cu Alloy" M. Yuasa, H. Nakano, Y. Nakamoto and M. Mabuchi, Materials Transaction 50(3) (2009) 570-578.

  96. "Synthesis and crystal structures of Si-bearing layered carbitds ZrAl8C7 and ZrAl4C4. T. Iwata, E. Hattori, K. Sugiura, S. Hashimoto, H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 117(1) (2009) 37-41.

  97. "Syntheses and crystal structures of Ge-bearing layered carbides Zr2Al4C5 and Zr3Al4C6" K. Sugiura, T. Iwata, N. Sunada, S. Hashimoto, H. Nakano, K. Fukuda, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 117(1)(2009) 22-26.

  98. "Thermal conductivity measurement at the micrometer scale of ceramics using themoreflectance technique-high-thermal conductivity AlN with reduced amount of grain boundary phase-" S.-K. Lee, I. Yamada, S. Kume, H. Nakano, K. Hatori, G. Matsui, K. Watari, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 116(12) (2008) 1260-64.

  99. "Microstructure of alumina produced by millimeter-wave heating" H. Nakano, H. Nakano, Y. Makino, S. Sano, J. Alloys and Compounds, 457(2008) 485-489.

  100. "Fabrication and wear properties of TiN nanoparticle dispersed Si3N4 ceramics" J. Tatami, E. Kodama, H. Watanabe. H. Nakano, T. Wakihara, K. Komeya, T. Meguro, A. Azushima, J. Ceram, Soc. Jpn. 116(6) (2008) 749-754

  101. "Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Layered Carbide [Zr1.97Y0.03]Al4C5" K. Fukuda, M. Hisamura, T. Iwata, S. Hashimoto, and H. Nakano, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 91(4) (2008) 1342-45.

  102. "New phase of BaLaMnO4-x formed by annealing in a reducing atmosphere" H. Nakano, N. Kawabata, N. Kamegashira, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 116(3) (2008) 361-364.

  103. "Stability of Phases in (Ba, Gd)MnO3 Solid Solution" M. Kobayashi, H. Tamura, H. Nakano, H. Satoh and Naoki Kamegashira, J. Rare Eaths, 26(2) (2008) 233-236.

  104. "Roles of Rare-Earth Oxide Additives in Millimeter-Wave Sintering of AlN and Si3N4" Y. Makino, T.Yoshioka, H. Nakano, T. Ueno and S. Miyake, J. Rare Eaths, 26(2) (2008) 141-145.

  105. "Phase transition of Gd3RuO7 from a structural point of view" H. Nakano, K. Tateishi, N. Ishizawa, セラミックス基盤工学研究センター年報 7(2007)7-16.

  106. "Structural analysis of new phase of BaNdMnO4" Hiromi Nakano, Norikatsu Kawabata, Hirohisa Satoh, and Naoki Kamegashira, J. Rare Eaths, 25(s) (2007) 1-3.

  107. "Orientation dependence of transport property and microstructural characterization on Al doped ZnO ceramics" H. Kaga, Y. Kinemuchi, H. Yilmaz, K.Watari H. Nakano, H. Nakano, S. Tanaka, A. Makiya, Z. Kato, and K. Uematsu, Acta Materialia 55(2007)4753-57.

  108. "Grain shrinkage driven by surface and grain boundary energy in Ba5Nb4O15 powder" H. Tanaka, H. Nakano, Y. Suyama, Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 2423-32.

  109. "Saturation in degradation of thermal diffusivity of neutron-irradiated ceramics at 3×1026 n/m2" M. Akiyoshi, T. Yano, Y. Tachi, H. Nakano, J. Nuclear Materials 367-370 (2007)1023-1027.

  110. "In-situ transmission electron microscopy observation of multiple phase transitions in BaGd2Mn2O7" H. Nakano, N. Ishizawa, N. Kamegashira, M. Yashima, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90(4) (2007) 1342-1345.

  111. "Microstructure of nano-porous NaNbO3 particles synthesized by sol-crystal method" H. Nakano, Y. Hirano, Y. Suyama, J. The Society of Materials Science Jpn. 56(6), (2007) 500-504.

  112. "Nano-domain twin structure formed by phase transition in new perovskite oxide (Sr0.67Sm0.33)(Mn0.33Ti0.67)O3" H. Nakano, M. Kobayashi, N. Kamegashira, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90(4) (2007) 1276-1279.

  113. "Phase Behavior and Crystal Structure of Perovskite-Type Rare Earth Complex Oxides" M. Kobayashi, M. Yamaguchi, R. Katsuraya, T. Nara, Y. Tomita, H. Nakano, N. Kamegashira, J. Rare Earths 24(2006) 668-672..

  114. "Novel phase transition in BaPr2Mn2O7" H. Nakano and N. Kamegashira J. Rare Earths 24(special), (2006)1-3.

  115. "Phase behavior of layered manganites BaLn2Mn2O7 (Ln = rare earth), H. Nakano, H. Satoh, N. Kamegashira, N. Ishizawa Physica Status Solidi (c) 3(8) (2006) 2812-2815.

  116. "Microstructure of tublar SiC ceramics made from bamboo-charcoal" H. Nakano, T. Nagase, T. Shiono, T. Nishida, J. The Society of Materials Science Jpn. 55(7) (2006) 661-665.

  117. "Thermal behavior of BaTiO3 particles synthesized by prasma CVD" H. Nakano, K. Suzuki, K. Kizima, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 89[4] (2006) 1461-1464.

  118. "Crystal structure of a new compound Er2MnW0.8O6.4 phase" G. Chen, Y. Imagawa, H. Satoh, H. Nakano, N. Kamegashira, J. Alloys and Compounds. 408-412,(2006)1230-1233.

  119. " Structure of new oxide SrGdMnO4" H. Nakano, N. Ishizawa, N. Kamegashira, Zulhadjiri and T. Shishido, J. Alloys and Compounds. 408-412,(2006)593-597.

  120. "Evaluation of Grain Orientation in Textured -Si3N4 Ceramics with high thermal conductivity by Electron Microscopy" H. Nakano, H. Nakano, K. Watari, Advanced in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing Journal 8,(2006)67-72.

  121. "Recycle of Y-TZP ceramics" T. Ogata, T. Matsubara, H. Nakano, K. Urabe, T. Nishida, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 113(10) (2005) 674-677.

  122. "Structural change of fired halloysite of the democratic and people's republic of Algeria T. Imai, T. Yamamoto, K. Urabe, H. Nakano, M. Ohyanagi, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 113(9) 620-625 (2005).

  123. "The effect of microstructure on thermal conductivity of SiC liquid-phase sintered with BeO addition" H. Nakano, K. Watari, K. Ishizaki, K. Urabe, J. The Society of Materials Science Jpn. 54, 559-562 (2005).

  124. "Microstructural evolution during crystallization of Ba5Nb4O15 from Ba-Nb ethoxide" H. Nakano, T. Yano, Y. Suyama, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 113(1) (2005) 59-63.

  125. "Characterization of internal pores in hydrothermally synthesized BaTiO3 particle by transmission electron microscopy" H. Nakano, K. Urabe, T. Oikawa, H. Ikawa, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 87(8) (2004) 1594-1597.

  126. "Microstructural characterization of high-thermal-conductivity SiC ceramics" H. Nakano, K. Watari, Y. Kinemuchi, K. Ishizaki, K. Urabe, J. Euro.Ceram. Soc. 24(14) (2004) 3685-90.

  127. "Interface of unidirectionally solidified Alumina /YAG composite" M. Miyazawa, Y. Tanabe, N. Ishizawa, K. Urabe, H. Nakano, T. Waku, E. Yasuda, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 112[3] (2004) 159-166.

  128. "Structure of jadeite powder sintered with spodumene addition" H. Nakano, I. Ikeyama. H. Imai, K. Urabe, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 112(5) (2004) S997-999.

  129. "Mirostructural characterization of Spodumene Silicon Nitride Complex by transmission electron microscopy" H. Nakano, M. Iwashima. T. Ogata, K. Urabe, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 112(5) (2004) S1439-1443.

  130. "Microstructural observation of tubular halloysite with a high-resolution transmission electron microscope" H. Imai, H. Nakano, K. Urabe, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 112(5) (2004) S1153-1155.

  131. "Phase behavior of rare-earth manganites" N. Kamegashira, H. Nakano, G. Chen, M. Jian, J. Rare Earth 22 (5) (2004) 582-585.